Why Is Yield Farming Hot and Trendy Today?

Zodeak Technology
2 min readJun 14, 2022


Why is Yield Farming Hot and Trendy Today? — Zodeak

Most Crypto professionals connect the yield farming boom to the start of the so-called COMP token. It is an Ethereum-based ERC20 asset that allows community governance of the Compound yield farming protocol. The owners of these tokens offer and vote on any changes in the protocol.

Governance coins perish all rights of ownership to asset holders. The question is how to create a network highly decentralized?

One way is to distribute such tokens algorithmically, including liquidity incentives. It is rather appealing for market makers. It inspires them to create new tokens and provide liquidity. Since COMP was established, Many different Decentralized Finance DeFi Platforms have offered brand new schemes to attract liquidity to the yield farming ecosystem.

Yield Farming token holders can use coins in various ways. Tokens, as a rule, stand for ownership in something like a part of a typical liquidity pool or access to some service. For Example, In Brave Browser, Advertisements can be purchased just by using a Basic Attention Token (BAT). Occasionally, you can use these tokens as funds within a bunch of applications. Online users can spend coins with each other in relatively small amounts.

Those are all causes why yield farming is in trend nowadays. Yield farming crypto is reportedly booming, and traders could see up to 50% returns last year. That is not a limit, and it’s never late to start investing in this field. As specialists from Forbes fairly accept, all you require to satisfy from YF development is the right timing and accurate underlying instrument.

Zodeak delivers a proficient DeFi Yield Farming Platform Development solution whose goal is to digitize cash and develop interoperability to any system that you may choose. We are at your service in case of any inquiries. Let us give you a helping hand with your project. All you need to do is fill out via,

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Zodeak Technology

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